Véronique Joffre

her website

Véronique Joffre was born in 1982 in the South West of France. After ten years spent in London, she is now settled in the Basque countryside where she lives and works surrounded by nature. Animals, plants, the cycle of the seasons are for her a major source of inspiration.

She studied illustration in Paris at the Estienne school and then at the Arts Décoratifs in Strasbourg, where she graduated in 2006. Cut-out paper is her main means of creation: she cuts, glues, assembles and recomposes her images to play with shapes and colors. She also works regularly for the press (with the magazine XXI) and events. She has illustrated nearly twenty children’s books (with Gallimard jeunesse, La Martinière jeunesse, Syros, Flammarion, Comme des Géants…) and now devotes herself mainly to the production of books as an author-illustrator, published by Thierry Magnier editions.