Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question about Galerie Robillard and how it works? You will surely find the answer here! If questions persist, do not hesitate to contact us directly, via the form, the chat or by phone.

Can I exhibit my works at the Robillard Gallery?

The gallery does not have an exhibition space for rent. We only offer the events we design, with the artists we have decided to represent. If you have published your illustrations and want to join our artists, you can of course contact us. If your work awakens our interest, we will contact you. Keep in mind that we do not propose exhibitions permanently and that we are quite demanding on the projects that we are carrying out. On the other hand, we have more possibilities on the addition of works/artists in our online catalog, which can constitute a good starting point for collaboration and perhaps future events. Do not hesitate to write to us via the Access & Contact page, including a small link on which we can discover your work.

How do you choose your artists?

We favor the illustrators who published, whose original illustrations are generally related to these books. If we like to meet our favorites, we are also open to new discoveries. Do not hesitate to write to us via the Access & Contact page, including a small link on which we can discover your work.

Do artists make tailor-made works?

We present more than 3,000 original works of around fifty different artists. If, despite this diversity, you do not find your happiness and want one of the artists we represent achieving a tailor-made work, you can contact us to discuss your project.

Is it possible to contact your artists directly?

If the artists have not communicated their contact details on their personal site, we cannot do so in their place. However, you can write to us with the message you want to send them, and we will transmit it to them.