Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question about Galerie Robillard and how it works? You will surely find the answer here! If questions persist, do not hesitate to contact us directly, via the form, the chat or by phone.

What is a certificate of authenticity?

A certificate of authenticity is a certificate issued by the gallery, attesting to the origin of the artwork (generally the artist), its title and its price. When you buy an artwork at the Robillard Gallery, the certificate of authenticity is coupled with the invoice, which you will automatically receive in digital format, as well as in paper format with your order.

Is it possible to put the certificate of authenticity to another name than mine?

It is very possible to edit a certificate of authenticity with another name than that of the person who bought the artwork. As this is a manual approach, thank you for contacting us directly by indicating the name you want to see appear on the certificate, and the artwork(s) concerned.

Is it possible to edit a certificate of authenticity that does not indicate the price of the artwork?

It is very possible to divide the certificate of authenticity and the invoice, in the case of a gift for example. If you wish to obtain a certificate without a price tag, please contact us directly by indicating the name you wish to appear on the certificate, and the artwork(s) concerned.

Can I get a certificate of authenticity for the artwork I bought?

When your order is completed (received or retrieved), you will automatically receive the certificate of authenticity coupled with the invoice, in digital and paper version.